Piero Ragazzi | Presale commercial technical survey
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Presale commercial technical survey

Marine Surveys

This is one of our most complete services, designed to provide concrete assistance to those who are purchasing a used vessel and would like to reduce risks deriving from an “emotional” handling of the negotations to a minimum.

Professional experience is fundamental for this activity; it is the main resource on which the technician may draw in order to reconstruct the lifespan of the vessel in question in only a few hours.

Surveys focus on various inspections, the most significat of which include analysis of the following conditions:

  • QUICK WORKS, to ascertain possible problems linked to the age of the material, stress, bumps, fatigue, corrosion, manufacturing defects, lacking or improer maintenance, etc.
  • DEAD WORKS, in order to detect damage caused by bump, collapse, delamination, etc.
  • DECKS AND UPPER STRUCTURES, to detect possible problems with the equipment, the presence of infiltration, establishing the condition of the wooden parts, etc.
  • INTERIOR AND FURNISHINGS, which may be worn in a way that is not compatible with the age of the vessel and with correct maintenance procedures.
  • SYSTEMS AND MOTORS, with examination which may be limited to simple functional inspections or extended to tests in the workshop or laboratory for more precise definition of the condition of the components.
  • ACCESSORIES, for the determination of effective usability in relation to the use of the vessel.

Upon conclusion of these operations, a thorough report is issued, accompanied by documentation and photographs. The text is structured in such a way as to provide an exhaustive document for insurance or legal purposes (subject to possible cour asseveration).

A chapter is dedicated to instructions and recommendations for work deemed necessary to obtain an adequate safety level, or useful for preserving the commercial value of the vessel.

Upon conclusion of survey operations, an estimate of costs for these interventions, which current average prices, may be provided.

Another exclusive and particularly significant point which is often underestimated is the correct determination of the fully expressed commercial value by a fully qualified and professionally registered Maritime Broker.

This type of activity also often takes place far from our headquarters (we have recently undertaken work in Africa, Asia and America).

As regards the technician’s work, in order to better organize the operations it is recommended to ascertain the availability of towage services agreeing the dates for the inspections with the Office. In general, a few days’ advance notice is sufficient (variable depending on the period when the purchase negotiations take place).

For standard surveying operations, we apply current international rates, which obviously vary depending on the dimensions of the vessel, the days necessary for executing the operations and the distance to be travelled in order to reach the location of the yacht.

Accessory services such as ultrasound inspections, core sampling, spectrographic tests, oil and fuel tests, etc. are qualified based on the type of intervention required.